
Thursday, January 14, 2010


Today’s teachers:
• Spend an average of 50 hours per week on all teaching duties, including non-compensated school-related activities such as grading papers, bus duty and club advising.
• Teach an average of 21 pupils (elementary). Secondary schoolteachers have an average class size of 28 pupils.
• Spend an average of $443 per year of their own money to meet the needs of their students. Elementary teachers spend about $498 per year. Secondary teachers spend about $386. Teachers of color spend about $470 per year, more than the $434 spent by white teachers.
• Make an average starting salary of $31,704 per year, not including supplemental pay for extra duties.
• Enter the teaching profession to help shape the next generation. Nearly three out of four (73%) enter teaching because of their desire to work with young people. And nearly seven out of 10 teachers (68%) cite it as the reason for remaining in the profession.
• Nearly half of all public schoolteachers (49%) have been in the classroom 15 years or longer; more than one-third (38%) have 20 or more years of classroom experience.
• More than half (57%) hold at least a master’s degree. The percentage of teachers with a master’s degree has more than doubled since 1961. Less than half (43%) of public schoolteachers hold only a bachelor’s degree-the smallest percentage in 40 years.
• Nine out of 10 teachers (90%) say they spend no time teaching grades or subjects outside their licensed subject area.

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